Finding out that you are pregnant at 4 weeks along can make the first trimester feel like a year! Fortunately the all-day sickness really only lasted about 2 weeks, the hypogrlycemia only a week or so and now I'm feeling pretty good. Evening heartburn/nausea is no joke but it's not every day.
My husband and I started taking our daughter for walks in our neighborhood almost every evening. We are fortunate enough to have the Intercoastal Waterway just a mile and a half down the road so it makes for a nice little outing. Brennan loves to ride in her stroller, point out and touch every fire hydrant and throw rocks into the river. We look for fishies, alligators (or as she calls them alligatorts) and birdies. Here are a few photos from last night's walk.
As for baby snowflake "shim" (named by my mother-in-law) is doing great! Nice strong heartbeat and very active on ultrasound. Adam still wants to keep the gender a surprise and I want to find out like yesterday! All babies start out as "boys" then the genital tubercle (which looks like a penis) becomes either the shaft of the penis for a boy or the clitoris if it's a girl. Well at 12 weeks baby had a very prominent tubercle, so who knows maybe it will stick around and we will have a boy!!
There is a theory called the Ramzi method. It can predict the gender of a baby based on the yolk-sac/placenta location at 6-7 weeks. According to Ramzi it can predict the gender of 97.2% of males 97.5% of females. According to this theory we are having a boy!!
Baby is about the size of 2 pennies side by side. I haven't gained any weight yet (thankfully) and I'm not yet showing. The 2nd trimester begins the end of this week. I can't wait to see what the next trimester holds!
Looking forward to 4 more weeks of begging my husband to let me find out the gender and I can't wait to feel those kicks!!
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My husband and I started taking our daughter for walks in our neighborhood almost every evening. We are fortunate enough to have the Intercoastal Waterway just a mile and a half down the road so it makes for a nice little outing. Brennan loves to ride in her stroller, point out and touch every fire hydrant and throw rocks into the river. We look for fishies, alligators (or as she calls them alligatorts) and birdies. Here are a few photos from last night's walk.
As for baby snowflake "shim" (named by my mother-in-law) is doing great! Nice strong heartbeat and very active on ultrasound. Adam still wants to keep the gender a surprise and I want to find out like yesterday! All babies start out as "boys" then the genital tubercle (which looks like a penis) becomes either the shaft of the penis for a boy or the clitoris if it's a girl. Well at 12 weeks baby had a very prominent tubercle, so who knows maybe it will stick around and we will have a boy!!
There is a theory called the Ramzi method. It can predict the gender of a baby based on the yolk-sac/placenta location at 6-7 weeks. According to Ramzi it can predict the gender of 97.2% of males 97.5% of females. According to this theory we are having a boy!!
Baby is about the size of 2 pennies side by side. I haven't gained any weight yet (thankfully) and I'm not yet showing. The 2nd trimester begins the end of this week. I can't wait to see what the next trimester holds!