So grateful to be through the first trimester. With my first pregnancy I had like 2 weeks of daily nausea then occasional (rare) random dry heaving. This girl, however, does not like me. From 4 weeks 4 days until 15 1/2 weeks I had daily nausea. Initially like 8 hours day then down to 3-4 hours a day with Bonjesta (prescription unisom & B6). It was rough! I've probably vomited 6 times total but the nausea was frequent and relentless. I feel like I was living in a pepto commercial (nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea). I think I can finally say I've made it to the other side!
I did my (apparently) usual 1st trimester bleeding around 6 1/2 weeks. Fortunately my subchorionic hemorrhage was small and I only had one episode of bleeding. Otherwise this pregnancy has been uneventful. Life however has not. 2020 has continue to act all 2020 and my mom had a heart attack on July 4th back in Ohio. I was there the next day and able to be with her in the hospital. Then back a month later to help her through a quintuple bypass. Seeing my mom intubated and sedated then struggling to breathe or move was tough. Fortunately she's got 6 amazing daughters who helped nurse her back to health. We are so blessed she has made it through like a champ and is well on her way to recovery.
I've finally come to terms with the bump (willing to admit it's baby and not just extra mom). I haven't gained any weight yet and for that I want to thank the nausea and my hate for all food. Don't worry, baby girl is growing just fine! Pretty sure I caught her sucking her thumb on ultrasound yesterday! So cute!!
Brennan (6 yo) - just wants to hold the baby when she comes
Blake (3 yo) - wants to babysit - She also asked if we could name the baby Beesia. No idea where she came up with that but she likes to pretend to be a dog and wants us to call her that too. Little creative silly minds.
Looking forward to our anatomy ultrasound in 4 weeks. And so excited the outpatient visitor policy has changed and the intended mom can come with me!!!!
edited to add: spoke too soon. wrote this post then 5 hours later had to pull over while driving home from work to puke for 15 minutes on the side of 385. yuck.