Baby girl is around 15 inches, 3 pounds and roughly the size of a large head of cabbage. We took our "food" picture today but my laptop died before our hospital admission so I won't be able to post that for a bit. Here is our unofficial bump pic.
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Brennan talks to my belly every day and says "stay in my mommy's belly." So far her little sister is listening. I've not had any more bleeding episodes since our admission almost a month ago. I still contract but they are not painful and not regular. It's fun letting other people feel her move now. She's one strong baby.
Pregnancy wise I have been doing great. The rest of my body is a mess! I have bronchitis and pulled a muscle in my back from coughing so hard. After 10 days I think I'm finally starting to get better. My husband wishes there was a lemon law for pregnant wives but I'm pretty sure that's just for cars.
I was fortunate enough to be able to go back to work last week. I'm doing the office only and the other 2 amazing midwives are covering the hospital. So far it's working out really well and I'm feeling great.
My dear friend Vanessa held a baby shower for all of my work friends this past weekend. It was so great and I'm so grateful for all of my coworkers. They were extremely generous and we are much closer to being ready for another little one. I will post pictures from the shower soon.
Please pray for my friend Lindsay. She has been placed on bedrest for preeclampsia and may be delivering her little one sooner than she expected. Praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby. She was gracious enough to recover our rocker for us. Check out this before and after. I will be doing newborn photos for her in exchange for her hard work. I can't wait to snuggle her baby!