I've gotten several messages lately asking how I'm doing which means I'm over due for an update. We are 9 weeks and chugging along! We had heartbeat confirmation at just over 6 weeks and repeat checks at 8 and almost 9 weeks. Look at this adorable necklace IM (intended mom) got me for good luck prior to first heartbeat check. A good friend of hers got her the same necklace for her birthday as good luck prior to transfer. It's a horseshoe and baby elephant and I wear it every day.
It's kind of neat having this blog to refer back to and to be able to compare pregnancies. With my keeper, Blake, I had a few weeks of mild intermittent nausea. With my 1st surro babe I started with nausea 8 hours a day at THREE AND A HALF weeks!! That continued until about 16 weeks. With this pregnancy I have a few hours of nausea every day starting around 3 pm and continuing most of the evening. It's pretty mild and I've only thrown up a few time. Truth be told I had reflux surgery and can't really vomit so I just dry-heave violently. But it hasn't happened often. My IM phrased it perfectly and said she hopes it's just the right amount of nausea and she's so right. Just enough to provide reassurance but not so much that I'm miserable.
6 weeks |
8 weeks |
It's been a great journey so far and I'm so honored to be able to carry for such a sweet deserving family.
Now a shameless plug. My office, Greenville Midwifery Care, has been nominated for Best of the Upstate for another year!! But we need your help with daily votes until the end of April.
PLEASE click this link to vote and go back and vote every day. We have an amazing birth community and couldn't provide such great midwifery care without such incredible local support.
Photo of me helping a sweet mama with her rock star water birth |
When I was pregnant with Blake her nickname was baby snowflake (like a snowflake every adopted embryo is frozen & unique)… last journey the girls nicknamed her baby butterfly… current contenders for this little guy are cherry, little bob and Harold. Help!
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